Sunday, March 7, 2010


I am sitting here in my family room staring at the clock just waiting for the kids to wake up from their naps. No this is not what I typically do during nap time. Usually I'm praying that the kids will sleep extra long, as nap time just seems to go by very fast. But today is different... you see here in Kansas City we have had over 90 days of temperatures under 40 degress. Translation... we've had snow on the ground or coming down from the sky for about 3 months. WAAAAYYYY TOOO LONG!!! Today it's sunny and warm. The sky is blue and I can actually hear the birds. So here I sit waiting and waiting for my kids to wake up so we can go play at the park. So instead of spending my time just staring at the clock, I thought I'd update.

Caden: He is such an amazing two year old. He is in a very independent "I can do it" stage. But not in a bad way. I ask him to help in any way and he typical response is "Sure mom I can do that." It just makes me smile every time. He is just so excited about life and finds such joy in everything he does. He is a talker, and it's amazing the things he comes up with and it's amazing the things he repeats. Yeah, we're learning to be careful with what we say as we never know when he will repeat it. He loves his sister so much and the first thing he wants to do every morning is go get her up. Funny how that can't wait to be with each other, but then they drive each other crazy being together. It's fun to watch him become more of a little boy and not just a toddler any more.

A Caden story: During nap time one afternoon Caden was taking an especially long time to settle down and go to sleep. I had already been in his room twice to remind him not to play and to go to sleep. I went in again with a stern look on my face ready to give the final warning before a more serious punishment was administered. I stood over his bed my face close to his and said, "Caden, this is your last chance. No more playing, no more talking, no more singing. You need to close your eyes and go to sleep. Do you understand?" He looked at me and said, "Ooooo Mom I like your earrings. They new ones?." I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing and said, "No Caden these are not new earrings. Did you hear what I said?" Caden replied, "yes, I go to sleep... but Mom I like you earrings, they very nice." I walked out of the room laughing and laughing. Kids do say the darndest things.

Aliyah: Wow, talk about being independent. She wants to do everything by herself and she wants to do it when she wants todo it. We have a stubborn one on our hands . Yet, she is such a joyful little thing, of course when she wants to be. :-) She laughs and smiles all the time and loves being a "big girl". She's been walking since about 10 months and now at 14 months she pretty much runs every where. She is so fast I can't take my eyes off her for a min or I lose track of her. She is a little daredevil and isn't really afraid of anything. From throwing her body off the slide, or trying to walk down the stairs like a big kid... she will try anything. Especially with an older brother to copy.... we have our hands full with her. She loves to dance and run around the house which is just a joy to watch. She has become our entertainment and it's so much fun.

The new news with us...
Daniel is currently looking for a new job. He has really succeeded in his current job but began feeling like this wasn't what he wanted to do for years and years, and the upward mobility was very limited. So we've entered the job search world again. Thankfully we're not jobless, which makes searching a little easier. But it's still a daunting task, so prayers would be apprecaited.

Me?? Well, I finally feel like I have a handle on being a mom. Having two kids 15months apart... wow! it was a tough first year. But now, it's great! I've started focusing a bit more on myself... it's amazing how quickly you lose sight of taking care of your self when you have two small children. I'm currently working on getting back into shape. Which I feel like is the mantra of many moms but so far I've lost 14lbs in 8 weeks. And I have to say... I'm pretty proud of myself. Now I'm focusing on starting to run again and hopefully will sign up for a 5K soon to give myself some motivation.

So that's the update on the Miller family, I'll post some pictures of the kids soon as they are growing and changing very fast.


Anonymous said...

Hey Gretchen! Glad to see you on here again. It sounds like you guys are doing terrific. Way to go on your weight loss/getting in shape! That's awesome. We're praying for the job search!

Chandana said...


Nice blog.

Here's a blog that serves for your spiritual needs.
It has messages from the Holy Scriptures that teach us how to have GOD in all the aspects of our lives and how to allow GOD's rule in every matter:

Have a blessed reading.

God bless you.