Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Growing Up

Conversation in the van with Caden.

Caden: Mom, when i grow up I going to be a mommy.

Me: No silly, only girls are mommies. You can be a daddy.

Caden: No mom! I want to be a mommy

Me: Caden, you can't be a mommy. Only girls are mommies, you're a boy so you have to be a daddy.

Caden (with tears welling up in his eyes): Mom, I want to be a mommy not a daddy.

Me: why?

Caden: I want to grow big big big and be a mommy so I can drink coffee every day.

Kids say the darndest things! :-)


Anonymous said...

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原名 Uma Karuna Thurman
英文名 Uma Thurman
國籍 美國
出生 1970年4 月29日 (1970-04-29) (39歲)
職業 演員
語言 英語
宗教信仰 佛教

Anonymous said...

all about family and children :D
leave your word on my blog


Anonymous said...

...and also the cutest :)

Яна said...

so sweet)))

Anonymous said...

your son is cute and funny!
Generally speaking a basis of what children say is often wow from the perspective of laughter.